Andrew Youxuan Porter

Andrew Youxuan Porter
May 2008 3yrs (be sure to click on older posts at the bottom of each page to view all pictures)

Friday, November 7, 2008

We are home!

After many hours in the air and 10 hours wandering around airports, we finally made it home. Oddly enough it didn't seem that bad. Andrew slept on all of the flights. We spent the airport time running off energy. It took a few hours for Andrew to warm up to his brothers but soon they had him rough housing with hearty laughs. Leah came home the next day. It took him a little longer to warm up to her. But as I type this they are playing cars on the kitchen floor with great enthusiasm. Andrew seems to be adjusting pretty well. Nights are still a little rough but once he gets to sleep he stays asleep with a few exceptions.


Liz said...

Congratulations on adopting your son Andrew, he is a cutie. We adopted our son from Suzhou in May 2008. He is 2.5years old. We are also in the Twin Cities, please email if you would like to get together for a playdate some time.

Warmest Regards,
Liz (Suzhou mother)

Anonymous said...

How wonderful that you are home!!! I loved following your journey and can't wait to see more updates on Andrew's progress in his new family.

Liz and Zoe (bethany board)

Sallymander said...

great to see him home and smiling!