Andrew Youxuan Porter

Andrew Youxuan Porter
May 2008 3yrs (be sure to click on older posts at the bottom of each page to view all pictures)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Red Couch Photos

Bethany families at the White Swan. I think we are all going home in the morning.
Andrew is 2nd from the left top row.

Awwwww. Andrew and AJ. They came from the same orphanage. AJ spent most of his time in foster care but the boys are familiar with each other because our familes spent 7 days together in their province. We did not ask them to do this so this is an extra special picture!

1 comment:

Vicky said...

Awwww is right. How precious is that photo? What sweet little boys.

I see that Andrew had a change of mind and decided to wear his Chinese Outfit. He looks so handsome.

Well, it won't be long now and you'll be boarding the plane for home. Hang in there, you'll be here before you know it. Can't wait to see you all. It has been wonderful following your journey and praying for you along the way.

Love and God Bless, Vern, Vicky, Cole, Hailey and Ella