Andrew has come so far in such a short time. Today he had his first professional haircut after this photo was taken. He hopped right up into the chair and enjoyed every minute of it. Just a few short months ago he would have put up a huge fight. He loves to play outside. Sledding was a big hit this past winter. He also likes to rough house with the big brothers. He is doing a lot of imaginary play these days. Leah and Andrew are starting to form quite a bond. Whenever he gets a treat he makes sure that Leah gets one too. They play together very well for the most part. In the beginning they were both quite jealous of each other but now they are more like a little team. Of course they have their moments like we all do :-} Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks for the update! I'm so happy all is going well.
Hi Heather,
What a beautiful family!
another COP mom
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