Miss Leah rounds out the 4 birthdays in the Porter household in 31 days. She is now 7 years old.
For my usual number analysis, we've got the granddaddy here. Probably the only number with more significance than 7 is 3. There are literally so many 7's in the Bible, in culture, in nature, etc. that it would take at least a short book to list them all. Here's some highlights:Biblically, seven is the number of spiritual perfection. The 7th is the Sabbath rest, both in days and in years. There are so many 7's in Scripture:- days of creation- generations to Enoch, who walked with God- pairs of clean animals on Noah's ark- years of service to Laban for each of Jacob's wives- years of plenty and famine foretold by cows in Pharaoh's dreams- Feasts of the Lord- days of the feasts of Passover and Tabernacles- branches of the menorah- articles in the tabernacle- days of cleansing or consecration for several things- days marching around Jericho & times they marched the last day- years to build the temple- people groups ["-ites"] driven out of Canaan by the Israelites- washings of Naaman in Jordan River- spirits of the Lord- loaves to feed 4,000 and baskets left over- "words" of Christ on the cross- churches, candlesticks, stars, angels, plagues, seals, bowls, trumpets, thunders, etc. in Revelation- many, many more7 is also the number of:- colors of the rainbow (even though we have to add the odd 'indigo' to get it)- neck bones in the majority of land animals- neutral pH; pure water is pH 7- spots on a common ladybug- orifices in the human head (mouth, nostrils, eyes, ears)- rows of elements in the periodic table- bodies in the solar system visible to the naked eye and known since ancient times (Sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn)- Wonders of the World- Dwarves with Snow White- Virtues- "Deadly Sins"- hills of Rome- "heavens" (7th heaven)- notes in the musical scale [do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti]- books in the Chronicles of Narnia and the Harry Potter series- Habits of Highly Effective People- years until the so-called marital "itch"- continents (N. America, S. America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Antarctica)- "seas" - games in the final playoff series for pro baseball, basketball, and hockey- many, many more things
So, happy 7 to Leah!- Unca Matt -
(Thanks Unca Matt!) One of the first things Leah in English was "Unca Matt"
Andrew Youxuan Porter

May 2008 3yrs (be sure to click on older posts at the bottom of each page to view all pictures)
Thursday, March 5, 2009
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