Andrew Youxuan Porter

Andrew Youxuan Porter
May 2008 3yrs (be sure to click on older posts at the bottom of each page to view all pictures)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Travel Invitation

Here we come Andrew! On September 10, 2008 we received word from our agency that our travel to China to pick up Andrew has been approved. Since then we have purchased our tickets to and from China. We will be leaving October 16th and returning on November 1st. We will spend the first 6 days in Shanghai and then travel by train to Nanjing where we will meet Andrew on October 22nd. We will be there for 8 days and then travel by air to Guangzhou where we wrap up our stay in China. Our in country travel has yet to be confirmed so those details may change. We would also like to work in a visit to the orphanage if possible.

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